Home / News / Bounty - QuickStart Dapp - Actor Model

Austin Fatheree, April 26 2022

QuickStart Dapp - Actor Model - #21

Current Status: Awarded

  • Open for submission - (04/26/2022)
  • Closed (08/07/2022)

Forum Link - Discussion

Bounty Details

  • Bounty Amount: 200 ICP First Prize, 100 ICP Second Prize, 50 ICP Third Prize
  • Project Type: Single Contributor/Team
  • Opened: 04/26/2022
  • Time Commitment: Weeks
  • Project Type: Sample App
  • Experience Type: Intermediate - Motoko; Intermediate - Rust; Intermediate - Web


This bounty gives the opportunity to

  • learn motoko
  • learn rust
  • learn how scaling works
  • learn how to use canisters to create canisters
  • learn about the actor model
  • learn how clients access the Internet Computer

The goal of this bounty is to produce a sample application on the Internet Computer.

Goal: Demonstrate the actor model on the internet computer using a multi-canister architecture

Create a practical dapp that demonstrates the actor model of programming such that a system produces “actor” canisters that can interact in a meaningful and productive manner.

Reach goal 1: Create a system of trust such that all crated actors can inherently trust each other.

Reach goal 2: Create a multi-tenant system that supports multiple actors on one canister to reduce costs, but can “spin out” the actor once it reaches a certain size/value.

Example A: Create a token that has no ledger but trades value between trusted actors such that no tokens can be created or destroyed.

Example B: Create a social application where each “space” can be spun out to its own canister once it has been vetted by the community.

Example C: Create a defi marketplace that spins out a new actor for each asset traded such that all functions of the marketplace are contained inside the actor.

Your application can be written in either motoko, rust, or azel. Further, a motoko and rust version can be submitted as separate entries by the same person/team.

The code must be opensourced using the MIT License.


First - 400 ICP - Iceypee - https://forum.dfinity.org/t/icdevs-org-bounty-21-quickstart-actor-model-200-100-50-icp-prizes/12503/8?u=skilesare

First - 400 ICP GLDev - https://forum.dfinity.org/t/icdevs-org-bounty-21-quickstart-actor-model-200-100-50-icp-prizes/12503/5?u=skilesare


The bounty was generously funded by the DFINITY Foundation. Additional donations that fund the administration of these bounties can be sent to ICDevs.org. All donations will be tax deductible for US Citizens and Corporations. If you send a donation and need a donation receipt, please email the hash of your donation transaction, physical address, and name to donations@icdevs.org. More information about how you can contribute can be found at our donations page.

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